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The ISO Standard- Management system standards aren't going away.

  • Εμφανίσεις: 3066

ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems, has been growing in popularity since 2010. There are no signs that this trend will subside. This news comes from The ISO Survey of Certifications, and relayed in the Journal of Quality and Participation.


Risk and Success- Is the need to achieve stifling innovative thinking?

  • Εμφανίσεις: 2908

We are a “need to achieve” society. Success may be measured differently person to person, but success is not only a goal, it is the primary—if not only—objective. In theory it could project a strong, competitive, no-nonsense character. We want to be successful. We want our children to be successful. We want our company to be successful. We want our country to be successful. But how do we get there? 


How Long Are Calibration Reports Valid?

  • Εμφανίσεις: 2890

This question is rarely, if ever, asked but assumptions regarding the length of time involved regularly pop up, especially when measurement disputes are the situation into which such assumptions are injected.


The Argument for Training: People make the difference, but managers don’t act accordingly.

  • Εμφανίσεις: 2968

Many of our greatest quality giants have discussed the value of education and training. For example, Dr. Deming dedicated two of his renowned 14 points of management to the subject.


Focus on the True Enemy- Poor quality is a formidable enemy of profitability.

  • Εμφανίσεις: 2899

Quality professionals should feel proud of the accomplishments that they have helped bring about. The quality profession has risen to the tremendous challenges of the last century by developing methodologies that have helped businesses meet the demands of their customers.



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